Monday 11 June 2018

Usechain (The World's First Mirror Identity Blockchain)— ICO Review

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What is Usechain :

Usechain is a platform that aims at developing the first ever mirror identity blockchain ecosystem that improves the use and utilization of blockchain technology. The platform aims at improving performance by providing a transaction management and support process that is efficient, identity based, and with low technical barriers applicable in the mass market.
The platform focuses on introducing a new consensus mechanism and a randomized proof of work to balance perfectly strong security and high performance. In order to bring a new generation of blockchain, Usechain will use multi-level encryption and authentication methods, Identity virtual machine, zero proof, enhanced smart contract as well as other innovative technologies.
Why identity matters?
When being asked "How do you sustain a business model in which users don't pay for your service?" on the early Congress hearing, the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg replied after a five-second pause, "Senator, we run ads." The question may sound like a joke to heavy Internet users as increasingly, people realized that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

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When you are not paying for services Google or Facebook provided, you are paying for it with your data, and user data is what running ads is based on. Paying with data for services is the most common business model in the Internet era; for normal users, there are few things you can do to make a change to it.
According to a 2014 study from CTRL-Shift, the cost of identity assurance processes exceeds £3.3 billion per annum in the UK alone. Signaling reputation is very costly in current financial industry and any other place that requires identity assurance.
Could we have something better? In the Blockchain era, the answer

How UseChain Mirror Identity Blockchain Coin Works

Usechain is built on mirror identity protocol merged with high-level innovations in structure design and technology to eliminate the delays in the process of developing blockchain and bring a perfect balance between scale, security, and decentralization. Usechain, as an ecosystem is growing fast and will hold thousands of credit-based and identity-based applications in the future.

UseChain Benefits

Secure And Reliable infrastructure

The platform uses a secure infrastructure that focuses on sole identity mapping thus improving its application to scenarios that need identity.

Public Participation

The platform supports the participation of everyone worldwide. Usechain supports mining by use of even mobile devices because of its ability to use low resources and low energy consumption.

Low Energy Consumption

Through the platform's characteristic of identity mapping, it can reduce its dependency on the hashing power of the Bitcoin  and thus be able to reduce consumption of energy and computing resources.

The Team


Selling Point
  • The World’s First Mirror Identity Blockchain.
  • They have a strong team, with well-experienced advisors.
  • The Identity threats is one of the fastest growing scenes in tech and it is far from being saturated.
  • Usechain use case is extensive. It cuts across Identity and Security industries.

  • Usechain already has partnership agreements with the biggest names in the Blockchain market: Yahoo Finance, Albany Business Review, Cision, Market Watch, Yam and others.
  • There are no projects like Usechain, this means reduced competition and ample time to establish their ecosystem before competing start-ups crop up en massege

 Threats :


    Sunday 10 June 2018

    Quadrantprotocol ICO Review

    About Quadrantprotocol

    Quadrantprotocol vast amounts of authentic data are needed to power today’s algorithms, however the current data economy is fraught with problems. There is an ever-widening gap between those with the resources to collect and store their own data and those that do not. The data these have-nots do have access to is often fragmented and of questionable authenticity — the kind of data that produces poor results when fed to algorithms. Part of the reason why the data lacks authenticity is because the suppliers of it are not properly incentivized. Fair revenue distribution does not exist for both data producers and vendors. Without a healthy and transparent data economy, the increasing demand for authentic data will not be met.
    Quadrantprotocol aims to solve these problems by providing a blueprint for mapping disparate data sources. It will support proof of data authenticity and provenance via data stamping, the creation of “Constellations” (data smart contracts) for disparate data sources, and fair remuneration and incentive sharing. Data Consumers can trust the authenticity of the data they purchase, “Nurseries” are compensated fairly every time their data is used, and “Pioneers” have the incentive to create innovative Constellations. This new transparent ecosystem ensures that companies get the authentic data they need.

    Basic Information

    Token NameERC-20Token Sale — — — — — — — — Social Media
    Token Price$0.05 USD = 1 eQuadPlatform — — — — — — — -Soft Cap$3 million USDHard Cap$20 million USDCurrencyAcceptedETHWhitepaperClick Here For View WhitepaperWebsiteClick Here For Visit ICO Homepage


    AI Data Gap

    Small companies struggle to create AI innovations because they lack access to the volumes of data their algorithms need.

    Unauthentic Data

    The data small companies do have access to produces poor algorithm results due to its questionable authenticity.

    Unsustainable Ecosystem

    Data Producers lack the incentives to provide the volumes of authentic data required because they only get compensated for the initial sale.


    Proof of Data Authenticity and Provenance

    The foundations of the data economy must be built on trust. Blockchain is the perfect candidate to facilitate this trust because it offers an immutable record of historical activity. Quadrantprotocol will require that all data is publicly stamped so that its origin will always be known. Any stakeholder can learn the provenance of a data feed at any time.

    Constellations for Disparate Data Sources

    Constellations are envisioned to be the key to bringing together disparate data sources in such a way that they can be used by Pioneers, Elons and other Data Consumers to compete with big firms. Constellations are intended to level the playing field so that everyone has access to the data that they need when they need it, which is projected to inspire a new generation of data scientists to discover revolutionary insights; enable new businesses to form; allow people to build upon data from others instead of recreating the same; give smart people a chance to receive remuneration through combining data sets into valuable data products.

    Fair Remuneration and Incentive Sharing

    Potentially, Pioneers will no longer have to worry about the manual process of figuring out how much incentive each Nursery deserves when an aggregated data product is sold on the Quadrant network. Through the Constellations of the Quadrant protocol, Pioneers will know exactly which Nurseries contributed what and how much each deserves. These will all be done automatically without the need for intervention by any party. For example, a mobile data Pioneer aggregates data from Singtel, StarHub and M1 and creates a product from it. When an Elon buys the product on the Quadrantprotocol network, the Constellation will automatically share the payment for the product between the parties.


    Data Stamping

    Quadranprotocol stamp for authenticity, allowing data buyers to trace and have proof of who created the data.

    Constellation Creation

    Quadrantprotocol dare Pioneers to venture, enabling them to create the first Data Smart Contracts and are deployed to create new data products.

    Enriched data and services

    Quadrantprotocol empower the brightest minds to work on creating Mega Constellations — new products and services on top of Quadrant.


    The Quadrantprotocol is a decentralised data blueprint. It is ingestion, processing and storage agnostic. It is designed to work with both centralised and decentralised services. The architecture consists of the core Quadrant blockchain, clients and Guardian Nodes. Quadrant will operate on a Proof of Authority consensus mechanism so that it can handle more transactions, operate at a lower gas price, achieve faster transactions and restrict malicious nodes from entering data into the network. An external Proof of Work chain will be used as an anchor for security purposes. For the time being, the Ethereum blockchain will be used for anchoring but it can be replaced by any public chain in the future if needed.

    Business Use Case


    Rightful compensation of provided data for every transaction along the value chain.


    Be seen as a transparent and trusted supplier by proving ownership of data products.


    Get the freedom to create linkages between disparate sources of data and develop new data products.

    Market Strategy

    Quadrantprotocol International Data Corporation (IDC) put the value of global big data and business analytics revenue at USD 130.1 billion annually in 2016 — a number that is expected to grow to over USD 200 billion by 2020. Companies, especially those working with AI, have proven to have an insatiable appetite for data from an ever-increasing variety of sources. Dresner Advisory Services estimates that some 53% of companies utilised big data for analytics purposes in 2017 — an increase of 36% from 2015. These companies are using the data to solve complex problems, detect trends and create new products that they will introduce to the market.


    A perfect storm of supply and demand is brewing within the data economy. As more companies develop in-house data science and analytics capabilities, Quadrantprotocol demand for data will accelerate exponentially. On the supply side, smartphone penetration, the deployment of big data capturing solutions and the advent of IoT have resulted in an ever-increasing amount of raw data. When taken together, the data economy pie gets larger each day. However, it will be the demand for 100% authentic data that will grow the fastest. Without it, companies will not be able to achieve the results that they need to succeed in this new, data-driven world.

    Token Distribution

    40%Token Sale10%Reserve20%Company20%Stakeholders10%Team


    Mike Davie — Founder and CEO of DataStreamX, Founder of Quadrant
    Barkha Jasani — Director of Engineering
    Sharique Azam — Big Data & Blockchain Engineer
    Navas Khan — Head of Marketing
    Roger Ganga — Data Scientist
    Marlina Farhin — Front End Developer
    Nikos Kostopoulos — EU Community Manager


    “The first native multichain system that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) in the world. Making large-scale blockchain applications. “
    -Ticker: PCH
    -Token type: ERC20
    -Fundraising Goal: $25 000 000 USD
    -Total tokens: 2 100 000 000
    -Circulating tokens: 735 000 000
    -Available for Token Sale: 35%
    PCHAIN is a new system with native support for multi-chain applications, making large-scale blockchain applications possible. They’re looking to be the next generation scalable, interoperable and sharding solution. This is like a fusion of Aion and Zilliqa with the addition of sidechains! Sounds very ambitious.
    The use of sidechains is becoming more popular. Well known projects that use this mechanism are Lisk, Ardor, and Rootstock. Sidechaining is any mechanism that allows tokens from one blockchain to be securely used within a completely separate blockchain but still moved back to the original chain if necessary. The original chain is normally referred to as the “main chain”, while any additional blockchains which allow users to transact within them in the tokens of the main chain are referred to as “sidechains”. Congesting of the main chain will be prevented and this will allow for greater scalability and faster transaction time.
    PCHAIN wants to provide the first multichain solution to be compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). EVM is the software infrastructure that underpins the Ethereum smart contracts. So instead of acting as a single sidechain, the PCHAIN solution consists of multiple side chains. This will allow PCHAIN to scale at a level that other blockchains cannot compete with.
    In this figure, you see the PCHAIN Main Chain running and at the same time, you’ve got parallel transactions processing.
    Another technique that PCHAIN will be implementing is sharding. This is a well-known technique used by Zilliqa and will be implemented in Ethereum (Casper), which currently is still in development. Sharding will allow nodes and transactions to be divided into smaller groups, meaning more transactions can be validated at once, and nodes only need to store certain segments of the blockchain.
    At last, PCHAIN is not only solving scalability issues but also issues of interoperability. It’s offering cross chain functionality to a wide array of public blockchains . They’re providing complete interoperability solutions like Polkadot and Aion. This might be the interoperability project that China has been waiting for.
    The team is led by Dr. Feng (Jeff) Cao, a man with lots of experience in the China blockchain sector. He is the inventor of the 1st International Blockchain patent from China and also the Co-Founder of ChinaLedger, the most influential blockchain alliance of China. Furthermore, he has 22 papers in ACM/IEE and holds 30+ international patents. This is an all-star without any doubt.
    The team beneath Dr.Feng are very capable as well. Members include:
    -Master of Computer Science, former SAP, produced over 300k code lines.
    -Senior software engineer and expert of core blockchain technologies.
    -Professor of Computer of Science
    -Ex-Chief Scientist of Internet Finance and co-chair of the patent review board in IBM Research China.
    The list of partners is huge, keeping in mind that the ICO hasn’t even started yet. Partners include Chinaledger, Harvard innovation lab, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and The University of Queensland.
    Chinaledger is basically China’s leading open source blockchain for the financial sector. Chinaledger is also partnering with the Chinese government on multiple blockchain projects, this gives PCHAIN the opportunity to forge important government partnerships in the future.
    Another notable partnership is the one with the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP). The main missions of CFLP are to push the development of logistics industry in China, to boost the development of procurement business of the government and enterprises, to assume the tasks commissioned by the government. This again will give PCHAIN ties with the government.
    China’s blockchain industry is booming right now, with so many new projects popping up left and right. Just to name a few Chinese projects with massive potential: Matrix, Sharder (this one is a hidden gem), Internet Node token and Elastos.
    With so many partnerships and ties in China, the first competitor that comes to mind is NEO obviously. NEO is much further ahead in terms of development and user base. However, the blockchain industry is still in its infancy and with PCHAIN’s sharding, scaling and interoperability solutions, the battle hasn’t been won yet. Keeping in mind that the low market capitalization will give PCHAIN a lot of room to grow.
    -March 2018: PCHAIN Position Paper Completed
    -October 2018 (7 months): Complete the development of PCHAIN core system which supports account system and deployment of smart contract, publish technical white paper. Testnet of mainchain online.
    -March 2019 (12 months): Publish the product on the major network. Completion of external API and wiki (interoperability).
    -June 2019 (15 months): Expand the capabilities of knowledge graph and Data Blockchain and support external development interfaces.
    -September 2019 (18 months): Introduce several blockchain application projects to form the Knowledge Graph Blockchain Alliance.
    -A solid team with an experienced background led by an all-star leader.
    -Interoperability, Scaling, and Sharding in one project.
    -Strong partnerships with ties to the government (no need for advisors, when you already have these kinds of partners).
    -A low hard cap of $25 million USD (compared to projects with the same scope).

    Moonlight ICO Review

    “A decentralized platform, built on the trusted NEO network that will change the way you recruit and scale your workforce.” —


    Problem: Simply put, organizations allocate too many resources when optimizing teams for projects.
    Solution: A decentralized workforce platform, built on the NEO blockchain, to change the way organizations recruit and scale their workforce. It combines concepts from the gig economy with those from project management.

    Features include

    Marketplace: a global task backlog in which resolvers (contractors) bid for work posted by issuers (individuals/organizations). Contractors bid by estimating how long will it take them to complete a particular task. The price is fixed and will be decided by the issuer.
    Fun fact: This is quite different from traditional markets where contractors bid with a price. The Moonlight team decided that most workers on the platform will not be full time workers. Instead they will moonlight the tasks(work part-time). Therefore, workers should bid with how many hours a day they can allocate to a task. Note: there will be full time workers at the marketplace.
    Trustless resumes: Initially, The project will allow people to submit their normal resumes to start the ecosystem. As tasks get completed, users will start building their trustless resumes based on how fast and well they complete tasks in Moonlight. The resumes will be registered on the blockchain to prove their merit.
    Analytical Project Tracking: Moonlight will provide an estimate of how long a user will take to actually take to complete a task. This is based on historical data comparing the contractors estimated timeline vs actual timeline. This also allows an issuer to see how each bidder will impact the project’s deadline.
    Crowdfunding: Moonlight allows organizations to add “maturity gates”. These gates are an incentive for the contractors to adhere to the schedule. Stakeholders (issuers) of the organization can assign their tokens to be distributed on different “maturity gates”. If the agreed upon work has been completed by a particular time, the “maturity gate” will “open” and distribute the tokens. This ensures that the contractor is rewarded based on the work completed and not on promises.
    Token Utility: Moonlight will introduce a divisible NEP-5.1 token called LUX. The LUX token will operate like NEX token (Neon Exchange) to provide additional value to token holders. Addresses holding LUX will be awarded GAS proportional to their LUX holdings. Additionally, LUX will have utility within the ecosystem. Remittances done with LUX will award the resolvers and issuers reduced fees.
    Roadmap: The team has a pragmatic roadmap relative to other projects. Based on the past accomplishments of this team, they should be able to deliver every single milestone. They have already released their white paper on time. During the next quarters, they are expected to release the private beta of their product, conduct a public token sale and release products such as their Market Place and Project Management Tools.


    Core Team: The team is composed of developers from City of Zion. A household name in the NEO ecosystem due to their core contributions such as neon wallet, Neomon, NEO-Python etc…
    Notable team members include:
    • Alan Fong | CoZ Co-Founder, NEP-5 standard Dev and more
    • Tyler B. Adams | CoZ Co-Founder, ME, Systems engineer & Project Manager
    • Michael de Wal | CoZ co-founder,former IOHK/IOJP — KYC platform dev, Bot developer, Javascript and Node JS expert
    • Chris Birmingham | CoZ Developer, CoZ Dapp contest winner (NeoTrade)
    Advisors: Strong members from NEX/CoZ — Ethan Fast (creator of the famous NEO wallet) & Nathaniel Walpole (Designed NeoScan). Their data science advisor is Chris Dienes, he has a PhD in statistics and is also a machine learning expert.
    City of Zion (CoZ): described above.
    nOS: an operating system built to interact with blockchains. The OS is available on computers and mobile devices. The nOS team will be building a lot of different modules and features, which makes moonlight marketplace the perfect place for nOS to find the right people.
    VDT network: A decentralized high performance computer system to render computer generated imagery. They are still very early, but keep an eye on it as they will be releasing their whitepaper very soon.
    Thor: Offers fast/flexible payment, insurance, 401k, and a network of jobs for contractors on the Neo Blockchain. Moonlight provides a platform for trustless resumes, recruitment, and project management. While ThorToken will provide contractors with an easy way to access their benefits. This symbiotic relationship will provide a solid solution to the current problems that plague the recruiting industry.
    To consider: It is important to note that apart from City of Zion, all other partners are also in early stages.


    Although, this project is present on several social media platforms, it currently has a small community (which is normal for new projects). For instance, they have less than 1400 members on Telegram and less than 2000 followers on Twitter.
    This project has the potential to have a huge community because it is built for scale. However, the success of their functionality depends on the number of people who adhere to their platform.


    The project does have a GitHub and the beta is scheduled to be released on Q3 2018. We are not qualified to comment on the code quality. However, for the average investor having a GitHub with recent commits is deemed good enough. So no complaints here.
    Token Metrics:
    Moonlight token is called Lux Token.
    Supply: 1 Billion (1,000,000,000) Lux tokens.
    ICO Price: 1 NEO= 2,000 Lux — 1 GAS= 800 Lux — 1 ETH= 15,000 Lux. ETH will only be accepted on the pre-sale. The project will NOT offer bonuses during the pre-sale.
    30% for immediate project growth
    • 10% Founders (Will be vested)
    • 9% Strategic Investment (Unlocked)
    • 11% Core Development and Advisory Budget (Unlocked)
    25% for presale (locks based on amount bought & no discount)
    25% public token sale
    20% for vested project growth (Locked 24 months)
    Locks: 250,000 = unlocked | 250,001 to 5,000,000= locked for 3 months | 5,000,0001 or more = locked for 6 months.
    The project will release 50% (25% public & 25% presale) of their tokens to the public. This is a generous amount. No bonuses will be offered during the presale and locks will be in place for buyers with a certain amount of tokens. This will prevent and protect smaller investors from price manipulation.
    Assuming that the exchange rate of USD/NEO will be $70 during the token sale, the team will raise $17,500,000, which gives a lot of room for market cap appreciation. Moreover, the locked tokens will lower the volatility (fluctuations) of the token prices and will aid its price appreciation because it lowers the circulating supply. This is good news for investors who are looking for fast token appreciation.


    Fundamental Investor: The team from CoZ is top notch. The strategic partners will help bootstrap the community; speeding up the adoption rate of the marketplace. The roadmap is long, which gives investors plenty of room to make decisions on how well the team will behave after the token sale. We recommend anyone to thoroughly investigate this coin as we consider this a long term token.